Activities for the Month of June & July 2022-2023

Healthy families: A talk on healthy families was held on 14th June 2022 at Dharma Jyothi Social Centre for tailoring student. The challenges and healthy family life was given by Ms. Renita Lewis. 21 students took active part in this programme.

Go Green: On 22nd June 2022 Vanamahostavaprogramme was organized atSiddarthanagar, Bajpe. Sr. Joel, the Coordinator of Dharma Jyothi Social Centre along with staff and 21 MSW students of Dr. M.V. Shetty College and Dayanand College planted 75 saplings.

EveHygiene: The VidyaJyothi Higher Primary and High School girls were gathered on 14th July 2022 for Menstrual Cleanliness and Hygiene programme at Dharma JyothiSocial Centre. MsRenita Lewis was the Resource Person. She explained about the menstrual hygiene, personal care and balance diet. She also gave awareness on good and bad touch. There were 244 students present in 2 batches.

POCSO ACT: Inview of anti human trafficking on 30th July, an awareness on the same was organized for the male students of VidyaJyothi High School, Vamanjoor on 23rd July. Mrs. Nalini and Ashwini fromSahodaya Bethany NGO addressed. 94 students benefited from the same.

Anti-human Trafficking: On 23rd July awareness program on anti-human trafficking was held for the girls at Dharma Jyothi Social Center. The resource person Sr. LeenaD’Costa addressed the girls about the impact of human trafficking and how to protect ourselves from the traffickers. She advised girls to recognize the good touch and bad touch. Girls should understand complete right over own body and can decide their comfortable zone. 114 high school girls have participated the programme. Regarding the missing cases a video on ‘Zindagi’ was shown to the children and the women and made aware.
On 23rd July 2022 awarenessprogramme was organized for the women on Anti-Human Trafficking. The resource person Sr. Leena from Sahodaya Bethany Service Centre gave awareness about Traffickers & ordeal of human trafficking victims and the ways to safe guard their rights. Thousands of men, women and children fall victim to this grave violation of human rights. 200 people gained information from this program.

Vanamahostava: On 23rd July 2022 Vanamahostava program was held at Dharma Jyothi Social Centre premises by the members of SouhardaMahilaOkkuta under the guidance of Mrs. Tilaka and the Coordinator Sr. Joel Lasrado. Various medicinal saplings were planted and created awareness.

KuralBio Farming & Fuel: On 23rd July the program was organized in Dharma Jyothi Social Center. Mr. Prashanth from Kural Bio Farmer Producers Ltd gave talk on environmental pollution and prevention. He explained their company’s process to convert waste into organic Gas, Petroleum product and Fertilizers. He also explained the benefits, income to the people by becoming members of their company. 200 people have benefitted this programme.

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